Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Battlefield 3 The best Game You Can Play

But there are a lot of new pilots trying out the mode, and if you are a new pilot and want to practice dog fighting, this is a way better place to do it than crashing a valuable jet in conquest have yet to hear what some of the better pilots thing but I think it will make for good spectator game with awesome moments to be had Capture the flag, though, is arguably the most distinctive part of end game. that and the dirt bikes the dirt bikes are such an important part of the mode capture the flag plays similarly to cuff in other games like halo or call of duty and battlefield three handles it decently the scoring premise is simple you touch the enemy flag to carry it and then hotdog it out of their base to yours.

If you drop the flag enemies can stand over it, and the meter fills up like capping a conquest flag and once it's full, the flag is returned to base. your flag has to be at your home base in order to score a capture though There are some tense standoffs where no team can score because both teams have the enemy flags at opposite bases like what you're seeing right now the flags themselves are very exposed and running right up to take them is not very smart almost every engineer dumps their mine load around the flag and sprinting up with the dirt bike usually gets you killed pretty soon admits are going to start making no mine servers and banning people for using mines because they are bloody everywhere the recon class is vital there are no spawn points between your flag or the enemy flag, so having a recon put down spawn beacons is important tactically to get you across the map in case you debut.

If you do have a spawn in your base a dirt bike gets you across the map quickly team communication is crucial especially for taking advantage of vehicles on the map people who play solo will have a difficult time coordinating assault and defenses on flags getting around the enemy spawn, but not necessarily spawn camping, is a legitimate tactic because you're there to prevent the enemy from capturing your flap servers are definitely a lot more defensive in camping than console servers more games on pc time-out out instead of being won by score there’s two reasons why I think this is one, console players most likely have more experience with cuff and playing the objective HALO and COD.

Have cuff modes and they very heavily are played on consoles two, because of the higher player count on pc, the social psychology theory asocial loafing is expressed social loafing means that the more people there are working on a super ordinate goal, the more each person is likely to slack off that’s why group projects for school never seem to go too well when there are all lot of people in each group so with high population servers is like “you going to get the flag" nah someone else will.

and so on and so forth console play works to really well with twenty four players even for pc I think between thirty-two and forty-eight seems to be the bright balance for the map size and vehicle density in capture the flag because no one wants to hear a constant lock on tone all game overall I think once more people get familiar with engine capture the flag will have a lot of good game play moments to offer and if some of the problems like the mines get fixed can see I can see being played maybe not as much as conquest, rush, and death match but still extremely frequently.

This is the last official DLC for battlefield three I have no doubt that dice will continue to support the game through patches and premium drops maybe more dog tags and weaponcamosone of the highlights of my review is when I said that endgame is quintessential battlefield don't think there is any last expansion that could have been as fitting and representative of what battlefield is really about even though it's not perfect it is one of the best value expansion for any shooter game lot more than what you would get in a call of duty map pack I won't be giving it a letter grade review score, because this isn’t' stand-alone game but endgame is a substantial addition to battlefield 3 that will help it endure strongly until Battlefield 4 comes outland just a gentle reminder about the reveal of battle field four on march twenty seventh well guys thanks for watching I hope this video was informative if you enjoy it please leave a like rating subscribe to my channel if you ‘renew around here and I’ll see you next video

The last major addition to end game is a new pistol, the s-tic, anm1911 with a suppressor and a tactical light, a weapon formerly only available to dice employees don't have it unlocked yet because it requires five dog tag challenges but since the m1911 is my favorite pistol in the game, I'll play a lot with it once I do have it unlocked There are new ant air jeeps, one for each faction, and a wide array of new weapons chamois used the G63 a lot this video and the M39 because I was going for the same challenges well guys that pretty much wraps up my review even though.